California|Solar panels and energy storage batteries, can be loaned and 30% TC

Net energy metering (NEM) is the code name for the grid company’s electricity billing method system.After the 1.0 era, 2.0 era, this year is stepping into the 3.0 phase.

In California, if you don’t install solar power in time for NEM 2.0, don’t regret it. 2.0 means that if you install it, you can’t sell it back to the grid in real time if you have excess electricity every month, and the grid company will have a recovery price according to the season, according to the region, and the recovery price is generally very cheap, such as 4 cents/kWh, or 10 cents/kWh. We use electricity very expensive, but they do not have a high recovery price. On the contrary, if the size of the equipment is installed well, there will not be so much rich electricity needed to sell to the grid every month, we installed solar energy is not for the purpose of grid recycling electricity can not be used, we are to use their own cheap electricity to install solar power, solar power for their own use than to sell cost-effective.

So, 3.0 era as long as the installation of the right size equipment, even if there is an inexhaustible surplus of electricity every day, you can choose not to sell it to the grid, keep it for yourself.

The home energy storage battery can help you store the surplus electricity and use it when you want. Cheap and convenient. And do not rely on the grid storage.

Since this year, the grid companies do not want to help users store electricity for free, and do not want to recycle everyone’s solar power at low prices. That in the face of top-down reform of the grid policy, the new solution is to install solar equipment and home energy storage batteries with the installation!

Previously a set of equipment expensive, spend 30,000 can only install a set of solar equipment. Now or spend 30,000 words, is possible to install a set of solar energy plus energy storage batteries. So in the 3.0 era can still be very cost-effective, no need to remorse.

For most of the user needs, fortunately the global, including the U.S. PV market is becoming more mature, equipment prices this year will be better than any before. Very suitable for installation.

Post time: May-17-2023